Anysa Fernandez

Chief Operating Officer | Lead Design Engineer


Anysa Fernandez is a 4th year graduating senior at the University of California, Irvine studying Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Biology. She is specializing in biophotonics due to her interest in the applications of laser medicine to ophthalmology. Anysa has been active in Engineering Student Council at UCI for three years and is currently the Vice President of Finance. She has also been a mentor in Engineers Mentoring the Future at UCI and enjoys volunteering at Saddleback Memorial Hospital in the women’s Labor, Delivery and Recovery Department. Anysa is an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Jered Haun’s lab on the molecular biology team, developing new therapies for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory disease. Currently, she is working on protein synthesis and antibody expression for the adhesion of drug load to a magnetic nanoparticle to ensure efficient delivery.